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Destinos Turisticos Group Peru

Portal de Panes 123 oficina 101, Plaza de Armas, Cuzco-Peru, Tel: (51)-84-595552,

For all your travel needs in Peru

Social API settings

A section of options connected with Social API includes five groups of options:

  • options connected with sharing at Facebook
  • options connected with sharing on G+
  • options connected with sharing on Twitter
  • options connected with sharing on Pinterest
  • options allowing to switch on/off Social API on particular subpages.

Options connected with sharing are the equivalent of parameters available in online editors, used for creating buttons like:

The last group of options allows to specify where they will be displayed – thanks to Include/Exclude specified articles from Social API option, it is possible to switch off Social API completely or switch on/off this functionality only for chosen posts, subpages and categories.

We specify the list of posts, subpages and categories in three last options:

as a sequence of ID, slug or the names of posts given, subpages or categories separated with comas, e.g. 


icon_envelope_smlFor reservations or more information please fill out the document below and give a click on the send button.