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Destinos Turisticos Group Peru

Portal de Panes 123 oficina 101, Plaza de Armas, Cuzco-Peru, Tel: (51)-84-595552,

For all your travel needs in Peru

Open Graph support

GavernWP has built – in support for Open Graph protocol. Thanks to it, each post added may have metatags specified and during publishing a post given on Facebook, there will be information specified earlier by an author of an entry displayed:

  • title
  • entry description
  • thumbnail connected with an entry

Thanks to it, an author of a post has better influence on the information displayed on social media services. It’s also worth remembering that in the case when fields connected with Open Graph will not be filled, then GavernWP will try to fill them automatically basing on the entry data.

Support for Open Graph is a great supplement for a Social API system implemented in GavernWP.

icon_envelope_smlFor reservations or more information please fill out the document below and give a click on the send button.