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Portal de Panes 123 oficina 101, Plaza de Armas, Cuzco-Peru, Tel: (51)-84-595552,

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Social API settings

A section of options connected with Social API includes five groups of options:

  • options connected with sharing at Facebook
  • options connected with sharing on G+
  • options connected with sharing on Twitter
  • options connected with sharing on Pinterest
  • options allowing to switch on/off Social API on particular subpages.

Options connected with sharing are the equivalent of parameters available in online editors, used for creating buttons like:

The last group of options allows to specify where they will be displayed – thanks to Include/Exclude specified articles from Social API option, it is possible to switch off Social API completely or switch on/off this functionality only for chosen posts, subpages and categories.

We specify the list of posts, subpages and categories in three last options:

as a sequence of ID, slug or the names of posts given, subpages or categories separated with comas, e.g. 


Advanced settings

An advanced settings section includes settings which are connected with different aspects of GavernWP framework work:

  • Widget rules allows to switch on this mechanism. It is recommended to switch on this option in the case when you do not need to use widgets visible on a chosen subpages. Note that it will allow to optimize a little bit the speed of a website as operations of checking rules for each widget will not be made.
  • Support for Google Chrome Frame – it switches on a metatag forcing use of  Google Chrome Frame plugin on Internet Explorer browsers if it is installed.
  • Parse emoticons in the text widgets – it activates parsing emoticons to a graphic form in widgets.
  • Parse shortcodes in the text widgets – it activates parsing of Shortcodes in widgets.
  • Use Thickbox – it allows to switch on Thickbox  script for presenting images included in posts.
  • Value for the $content_width variable –  $content_width variable is used while creating thumbnails of images for posts, that’s why it has to be defined as an appropriate value – we recommend to set the value not bigger than the max. page’s width.
  • Use the override.css file – thanks to switching on this option, an override.css file will appear at the end of the list of CSS files which allows to overwrite theme’s CSS rules easily without interference in existing CSS code.
  • Enable support for Open Search – it allows to switch on support for  Open Search technology.
  • Enable support for Open Graph – it allows to switch on support for Open Graph  technology – after switching on this option, an additional metabox will appear on a page for editing posts: 

Main back-end features

GavernWP has an advanced panel for managing theme’s options in an administration panel. These options have been divided into a few main groups:

  • Basic settings
  • Layout settings
  • Fonts settings
  • Navigation settings
  • Advanced settings
  • Shortcodes settings
  • Social API settings
  • Theme branding settings
  • Back-end branding settings
  • SEO settings

Also, some additional elements generated by a framework in an administration panel in some various places appear, namely:

  • Typography button
  • Widget rules
  • Open Graph metabox
  • GavernWP SEO settings metaboxes

It is also worth getting acquainted with a theme configuration with files use in JSON format:

  • Option files
  • Theme configuration

The ability of these files edition, gives a possibility of deep interference in websites work based on GaverWP.

Basic settings

Basic settings of GavernWP allow to specify basic parameters connected with page’s display:

The first option allows to choose a color version of a theme. In this place, there may appear a few various fields depending on the conent of styles.json configuration file.

There is an option allowing to switch a style-switcher after an option/options of choosing theme’s styles  – it is an element allowing for a website’s user to choose a theme style himself/herself.

The next option is connected with switching on breadcrumbs element on a website. There are the following options to choose from: Enabled, Disabled and Conditional rule – then, you have to set a rule using Conditional Tags and logic operators of PHP language in a Conditional rule field, e.g. a rule displayinga a breadcrumbs element on the homepage and in the “Meet GavernWP” category will be in the following form:

is_homepage() || is_category('Meet GavernWP')

” option is useful when you want to place a widget instead of entries on the homepage – then  you have to switch it on mainbody widget position, place a widget needed which will replace a standard list of posts generated by WordPress.

The last option, namely “Show author info” allows to display information about its author under each post in the following form:


SEO settings

GavernWP has SEO settings built – in which allow to overwrite WordPress standard SEO settings. After switching on “Use Gavern SEO settings” option, a lot of options connected with SEO will appear:

The first group of options is connected with page’s title:

  • Use blogname in title – this option allows to switch on showing a blogname in the title
  • Separator used in title – it specifies a separator which is between a title description and a pages’s name
  • Title – description – it allows to specify page’s title description (the first part of a title – before a separator)
  • Title – blogname – it allows to specify page’s name (the second part of a title after a separator)

The remaining options allow to switch on advanced management of keywords and description metatags:

In the case of a homepage, these metatags values are specified in a SEO settings panel whereas in the case of subpages, there are two settings available for both metatags:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled (custom field in the post editor)

When you switch on these settings, under a posts editor two additional fields will appear:

If you fill them in, metatags used on one subpage with an entry will be created.

Fonts settings

One of the key elements which has influence on website’s look is an appropriate choice of fonts used for text presentation.

GavernWP allows to choose fonts easily which are assigned to CSS selectors specified by a user.

In order to simplify support for many fonts on one page, GavernWP supports groups of fonts – each group allows to assign a font given to selectors chosen by a user:

Groups of fonts are defined in a configuration file called fonts.json. Adding a new group of fonts is very easy – it is enough to define the next object of a form:

"full_name": "Full name of the fonts group",
"short_name": "short name of the fonts group using only alphanumeric characters",
"description": "Short description of the font family"

After adding such an object, in a table included in fonts.json file, you will see the next group of fonts to manage in an administration panel.

You have to specify three basic values for each group of fonts:

  •  a type of font used
  •  a font of a type given
  • selectors connected with a font given

Specifying of a font type is restricted to choosing one out of three fonts types:

  • Standard fonts – standard sets of fonts available on the majority of computers – you have to choose a font given from a list which is shown under the field of choosing a type of font: 
  • Fonts Squirrel – fonts downloaded from Font Squirrel page – you have to download @font-face kit of a font given and place its content in fonts catalog.  It is very important to have a folder with the same name as a font name used in stylesheet.css file which is in a new catalog. If you prepare a catalog in this way, you will see a font given on the list to choose:  
  • Google Web Fonts – fonts from Google Web Fonts page; in this case, you have to specify the URL address of a font given: 

The last stage is specifying selectors connected with a font given:

After saving the settings, the results should be visible on the website immediately – it is not required to make any additional operations.

Main front-end features

Themes based on GavernWP framework have support for many useful solutions and technologies. The most important ones are:

  • Custom page styles – they extend functionality of standard subpages.
  • Typography – an advanced list of elements gives a possibility to enhance posts about various add ons.
  • Social API – it allows to add buttons for sharing posts in social network services very easily.
  • Open Graph – it allows to specify the way in which content shared on Facebook will be visible.
  • Threaded comments – they allow to make discussions under posts in a clear way.
  • Branding – it simplifies setting key elements of a website connected with its name or brand.
  • Color styles – thanks to color styles, it is possible to create many various color and stylistic versions of a theme.


Layout settings

Layout settings in a theme are connected with five main options:

Thanks to a Page layout option, it is possible to specify a column position in page’s layout: on the left/right side or switch off showing a column completely (in this situation, you achieve the layout available via an additional subpage style – fullwidth).

A Theme width option specifies maximal page’s width – no matter what width a browser window has, page’s width will not exceed this value.

Column width is specified in per cents thanks to a Sidebar width option. Tablet width and Mobile width options allow to specify width of a browser window in pixels where css/tablet.css and css/mobile.css files are loaded.

In the case of tablet.css, modules which normally create four – column layout (max.), will appear in two – column layout which after loading a mobile.css file will change into one – column layout. Additionally, after loading a tablet.css file,a column moves under main content of a page given.

Note: all options from a Layout section are also in a live-preview editor which allows to adjust values of these options easily, thanks to a site live preview.

Navigation settings

GavernWP gives a possibility of advanced menu managing on a website. There is a list of menus available in a theme in a configuration file – menus.json. These menus are displayed in a Navigation tab:

There are a few options available for each menu available on a website. Website’s main menu has more options than a menu placed e.g. in a page’s footer.

The difference is that a main menu has additional options connected with animation:

These options allow to specify the type and speed of animation of a submenu.

Additionally, all menu types have the two options:

  • an option specifying whether a menu given was switched on – a menu given can be switched on only on a particular subpages thanks to a Conditional rule option – then, you have to insert a rule from  Conditional Tags and logic operators of a PHP language in  a Conditional rule field, e.g. a rule displaying a menu on the homepage and in a category called “Meet GavernWP” will have the following form: 
    is_homepage() || is_category('Meet GavernWP')
  • an option specifying menu depth i.e. a maximal nesting level for all menu positions displayed. If e.g. you want to skip the second menu level and display menu positions which are on the first menu level, you have to set this option to 1. Of course All levels value will cause displaying all menu postions available for a menu given.

You have to remember that adding a menu, except adding an appropriate entry in an configuration file menus.json, also requires creating appropriate code in a theme.

This code uses a standard wp_nav_menu function but you have to remember about three crucial things:

  • code of wp_nav_menu function has to be placed inside IF condition in a form:
    if(gk_show_menu('MENU_NAME')) {
    where MENU_NAME is a menu name, e.g. mainmenu. Thanks to it, there will be a functionality which allows to display a menu only on subpages chosen.
  • in the case of main menu, it is very useful to create a duplicate in a mobile version so as while displaying a website on mobile devices, a menu will be adjusted to mobile devices.
  • in the case of a main menu, you have to use a special class derived from Walker: GKMenuWalker class; however, for a mobile menu, you have to use GKMenuWalkerMobile class. Thanks to it, appropriate menu structure will be generated.

CSS code connected with a menu is in css/wp.css and css/mobile.css files.

Scripts creating main menu animations are in js/ file.

Shortcodes settings

Shortcodes are facilities which are not used by everyone. Besides, XHTML code of the majority of typography elements can be generated manually. It causes that not all CSS and JavaScript files connected with Shortcodes are needed while loading a page.

Thanks to a Shortcodes tab, it is possible to switch off chosen groups of Shortcodes:

Note! Switching off a given group of Shortcodes will cause not only switching off adding CSS and JS files connected with a group given but will also switch off functions which parse Shortcodes in articles. That’s why, you have to make sure that Shortcodes groups you want to switch off, are not used in existing articles.

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