There are three key places connected with branding in a theme based on GavernWP framework: page’s logo page’s footer framework’s logo under a page’s footer There are the following administration panel options responsible for these elements: In the case of a framework’s logo, it is only possible to switch it on/off. Footer content is defined […]
In order to adjust stylistics of an administration panel to a GavernWP page, there are some options allowing to adjust the look of administration panel elements to a theme of a page given. You will find the following options in a back-end branding tab: The first two options are connected with a logotype displayed on […]
GavernWP makes accessible options allowing for theme’s branding. Branding options are divided into two groups: theme’s branding administration panel branding Thanks to theme’s branding options, a user may specify: specify page’s logo specify theme’s footer content decide about displaying a framework logo under page’s footer More information about branding options for a theme can be […]